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With the help of the Royal Horticultural Society and Highgate Allotments Society we were able to transform our bleak and boring courtyard into a cozy outdoor hang-out area right in the centre of the unit.

The RHS's Greening Grey Britain project supported us with £500 to spend on equipment and the expertise of Chris who infused us with enthusiasm and ideas to beautify the space, whilst helping the environment. A condition of the award was that we link up cross-generationally so we approached our Master Gardener, Maggie, who enlisted the support of her allotment neighbours to come and help.

Young people (and staff) experienced planning, measuring, construction, and design. Careful consideration was given to finding plants that would provide us with lush scents and cheerful foliage to create a pleasant space just beyond the verandah, without taking away too much sports space. Young people headed to the garden centre with Occupational Therapy to choose some plants, and Chris helped us upcycle some wooden panels to make two of the garden boxes. We needed so much soil to fill the garden beds that it had to be delivered over the fence by a crane, then young people quickly learnt how to drive a wheelbarrow and transported the soil to the right places.

11 out of 12 young people participated in the project whether that was at the planning, shopping, building, planting or watering stage and we hope that they will use the space and be able to enjoy being outdoors a bit more over the summer months.

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