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Clean Your Feed! Safer Internet Day 2020

Young People at Simmons House have access to the internet, phones and screens. Rather than restricting Young People from using the internet to access information and entertainment, we want to ensure every Young Person knows how to keep safe online.

Article 17 of the UNCRC says children and young people should be able to access information, particularly from the media. They should be able to get information from many places— from their country and beyond.

This Article applies to all kinds of media, including:

  • print media― such as newspapers or magazines

  • electronic media― such as websites

  • audiovisual media― such as radio and television programmes.

As well as each young person undertaking an Internet Safety task upon admission to the classroom, we also participate in an activity for Safer Internet Day each year as an annual reminder to keep ourselves and others safe. The internet is everywhere - often in the palms of our hands - so rather than try avoid it, we want to be able to use it effectively.

We now believe that these devices are a part of everyday life for young people and they need support to use them in enriching ways... Simmons House wants Young People to use the Internet, become well informed about safety and be able to seek help from adults with risks they may encounter online. Simmons House wants to support vulnerable Young People to manage in the online the world in the same way we work to help them manage the everyday world.

- Excerpt from Simmons House Digital Protocol

The theme we chose for Safer Internet Day 2020 was "Clean Your Feed." Young Minds reminded us that we have control over how we engage with social media and that if there is something on our feed that is time wasting or negative we don't have to put up with this. We took a quiz to consider our social media usage, then looked at Young Minds top 5 tips to have a more POSITIVE time online. Take a look at the attached articles below for the link to the quiz, and further advice on having a happy online presence.

Our Votes for Schools topic this week asked, "would you want to be Internet Famous?" Students were divided on this issue but most preferring privacy to fame though there was some appeal held in the idea of having a platform from which to share one's views and have a positive influence, as well as the allure of the possible wealth that might come with the fame.

Another useful website for parents and carers is

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