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Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is celebrated worldwide in February annually with a view to to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for all and to raise worldwide awareness of the importance of being safe online and the best and most effective ways of doing so; many different companies and organisations get involved and make their own personal contributions.

Safer Internet day highlights positive uses of technology and calls individuals into question to reflect on their own use of the internet and to review their digital footprint. It involves young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers and all to get involved and think about how they can make the internet a safer place for all.

In the classroom we engaged in a discussion and thought about what the word 'consent' means when surfing the net. we also reflected on how the internet came about, our personal responsibilities and awareness and and what we can all do together to make the internet a safer place for all.

Do you give permission if they’re sharing what you sent? This is the mission, and the issue is consent Check, where is this going, why? Check, do I really want this online?

In addition all staff and young people were encouraged to review their digital footprint and privacy settings on all of their internet interactions.

Lets make the internet a safer place for all.

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